"Super fijne, kundige en lieve yogadocente. Mathilda heeft echt liefde voor yoga en is bovendien een erg goede docente. Haar lessen stemt zij altijd goed af op de wensen van haar leerlingen. Echt een aanrader!!"
– Simone
"Helemaal ontspannen en in diepe rust na een les van Mathilda. De les begint rustig, zodat ik kan wennen aan "dat ik wat ga doen". Dan volgt een gedeelte waarin ik echt voel dat mijn lichaam traint en bouwt aan spierkracht. Tenslotte weer een hele fijne afronding waarin ik “niets meer hoef”. Zo fijn om dat te voelen.
Mathilda´s stem en aanwijzingen brengt m´n hoofd tot rust en m´n lichaam in balans. Ze geeft zulke heldere duidelijke instructies, dat ik m´n ogen dicht kan houden en niet naar het scherm hoef te kijken. Fit en gezond blijf ik met deze lessen. Heerlijk! Dankjewel!"
– Frieda
"Mathilda’s yoga lessons are a great combination of energizing and relaxing poses and their combinations are well-researched and varied. While I have a definite sense of progress, it never gets boring!"
– Rebecca
When, as a beginner of yoga, I came across Mathilda’s yoga classes I knew immediately that she had all the qualities I seek in a teacher: helpfulness, patience, accessibility and perseverance. These qualities seem all the more important for someone as myself, who has always struggled with physical education because of limited flexibility
– Steve
A yoga session that is both challenging and gentle and has given me physical results of improved flexibilty and stamina.
Each session is different, maybe focusing on strengthening the core, or balance. Yet, no matter which area is being worked, by the end of the session I always feel invigorated, lighter with a sense of well being and warmth.
Mathilda, our yoga instructor guides us through our practice and keeps an eye on all the students. Mathilda will adjust our poses so that we gain optimum benefit from our practice and we learn through these adjustments. Mathilda really focuses on her students, and gives us the knowledge to improve our poses, breathing techniques and mindfullness.
I'm just so happy that I have had the chance to be in Mathilda's class. It's been such a wonderful, blissful learning experience!"
- Genn
"Your voice is clear and your instructions easy to follow. You build the pace and there is a logical structure to your classes. From the relaxation at the start which helps us focus on the breath to the selected of poses (which are varied in each class) to the gentle guided meditation at the end and the beautiful chant, I thoroughly enjoy your classes and believe you are an excellent yoga instructor"
– Maria